Miika Jokinen
We provide comprehensive support for public sector entities on issues related to taxation and the interpretation of law, as well as restructuring and corporatisation arrangements. We assist central government authorities, municipalities, joint municipal authorities, parishes and their affiliated organisations. We always take your organisation’s individual needs into consideration.
We also offer individually tailored trainings according to your organisation’s wishes.
Our experts have been involved in the planning and implementation of a wide range of arrangements related to public sector taxation, as well as the restructuring and corporatisation of public sector functions. We also evaluate functions and actions from the perspective of competitive neutrality.
We also provide your organisation with statements on questions concerning state aid. The tax and legal issues of non-profit organisations are among our core competencies, and we have in-depth familiarity with various contractual arrangements.
Our recent public sector assignments are related to the comprehensive reform of social and health care services and regional government. We assist your municipality in projects related to the reform: we evaluate the need to change and corporatise municipal functions, and we prepare and implement the necessary arrangements.
We offer:
VAT services for the public sector
Tax services for Well-being counties
Competitive neutrality
Tax services for Non-profit organisations
Miika Jokinen