Salomaa Yhtiöt

Since 1935, Salomaa has been operating as a family-owned business offering expert services in marketing and communications. BDO is responsible for the company audits. In addition to auditing services, BDO provides extensive support to Salomaa, for example, through its financial administration expertise, from taxes to company law. 

Salomaa is particularly known for its ability to develop its clients’ marketing. This is ensured by Salomaa’s experts – who number more than 400 – in various areas of marketing and communications.

“We provide our clients with expert services in marketing and communications. We are the biggest Finnish family-owned group in the industry. Our revenues in our previous financial statements were EUR 185 million,” says Heidi Govenius, Group Financial Controller at Salomaa Group. 

Extensive expertise ranging from taxes to company law

BDO is responsible for the entire group’s audits. The co-operation began around six years ago when Salomaa selected a new principal auditor.

“The first time BDO made an impression on me was when they started as the principal auditor. We had just recently had so many personnel changes that we wanted an expert partner. We had several internal one-time projects that we needed to see through. BDO were there to help us, providing added value and support. It felt as if they truly wanted us to succeed,” says Govenius.

“Currently, we are primarily purchasing auditing services from BDO. In addition, they always lend us their expert help when we need it, whether in relation to taxes, company law or anything else that may come up. In these kinds of situations, we turn to BDO,” says Govenius.

Operations developed together

At Salomaa, it is particularly appreciated how BDO brings up different areas to develop or pay attention to in the group in connection with their auditing process. This helps in the development of operations and also in the identification of development areas that could otherwise slip under the radar.

“These development areas may be related to the administration, for instance. It brings added value to our company when we can trust an outside party to evaluate our operations from the development perspective and also highlight possible options. We have great faith in BDO’s expert services,” says Govenius.