CSRD reporting

CSRD reporting

CSRD reporting, or sustainability reporting, is already an obligation for many companies. A sustainability report is part of the annual report that accompanies a company's financial statements and focuses on the sustainability of its operations and their impacts on the environment (E), social issues (S), as well as the sustainability of the company's governance (G).

ESG reporting is already mandatory for listed companies and the largest companies, and it will become mandatory for a large proportion of Finnish companies in the near future. We at BDO support companies of all sizes with sustainability reporting. We help your company find the best and most appropriate approach to ESG reporting, which depends on your industry, business objectives and previous sustainability efforts.

We provide support during all stages of the sustainability reporting process. We can assume responsibility for the entire reporting process or provide advice and act as a sparring partner, as needed, during the project.

If your company requires assurance for a completed ESG report, our certified ESG assurance experts can help you. Due to conflicts of interest, we cannot verify reports that we have participated in preparing.

Read on for more information on sustainability reporting and the assurance of reports or get in touch with our experts!

Sustainability (CSRD) reporting as a service

We offer a sustainability reporting service as a complete package in which we are involved in the process from start to finish. We can also help if your company needs support with specific stages of preparing a report.

In sustainability reporting, we use a well-established process that enables us to help your company effectively in all stages of sustainability reporting. We provide support, as necessary, with the identification of double materiality, which is a precondition for the process. We also provide support with data collection for reporting and advise you on how to resolve any problems related to these matters.

Our CSRD reporting services include

  • Producing sustainability report content in accordance with ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)
  • Executive support in creating ESG strategy and policies
  • Assessment of EU Taxonomy eligibility and alignment
  • Climate scenarios and resilience analysis
  • Carbon footprint calculation (Scope 1-3 emissions calculation in accordance with the GHG Protocol)
  • Climate roadmap and emission reduction targets
    • SBTi Net Zero compliance assessment
    • Scenario and resilience analysis
    • Transition plan

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can help you with your reporting process. 


Vesa Vuorinen

IFRS Country Leader
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